Consciousness-Bliss Songbook, Section 2 — practice recordings.
20 English songs based on “idioms” (aka “cute English expressions”).
“Idioms” are phrases with cultural meanings that go beyond what the words on their own suggest. Although Bengali was his mother-tongue, Sri Chinmoy enjoyed continuously expanding his long-established proficiency of the English language. Setting melodies to English vocabulary words, proverbs or —as in the songs below— idiomatic expressions, gave an opportunity to discover the language’s nuances.
Consciousness-Bliss Songbook by Sri Chinmoy
Section 1 of the Songbook (#1-55, see this page)
55 Bengali and English Songs.
Section 2 of the Songbook (see below)
20 English songs featuring idiomatic phrases (aka: ‘cute English expressions’)
Section 3 and 4 of the Songbook (#76-87)
“Vocabulary songs”. We do not have recordings of these; so we list them only as the words at the end of Section 1.
The recordings below are from a performance Paree’s international group from November 2004. The “idioms” are indicated after the song title in blue italic. An asterisk* indicates the idiom is also considered a proverb.
It should be noted, as with much of Sri Chinmoy’s poetry, prose and songs that the word “Master” is used in the traditional*, and deeply devotional sense as a term for God, the Supreme.
*Various religions and spiritual paths use the term, despite current sensitivities — it is intended to be deeply devotional, e.g. one of my favourites, the Prayer of St. Francis, begins a stanza with “O Divine Master”.
Consciousness-Bliss Songbook by Sri Chinmoy (Agni Press, 2024)
56. If You Want to Become (cool as a cucumber)
57. I Developed Cold Feet (cold feet)
58. I Enjoy Cock-and-Bull Stories (cock-and-bull stories)
59. The World Defiles Me (clear my name)
60. I Fear Not to Mention (burning question)
61. I Have a Heart (bring to heel)
62. Each Human Being Is My Bosom Friend (bosom friend)
63. Barking Dogs Seldom Bite (barking dogs seldom bite*)
64. Every Day at the Crack of Dawn (crack of dawn)
65. You Are Ahead of the Times (ahead of the times)
66. How Can Anybody Enjoy (Achilles heel)
67. I Am All Eyes (I am all eyes)
68. I Am All Ears (I am all ears)
69. All Is Fair in Love and War (all is fair in love and war*)
70. Only When You Are (free as air)
71. More and More Ignorance-Seeds I Gather (a bird of a different feather)
72. A Friend in Need (a friend in need is a friend indeed*)
73. Arise with the Lark (arise with the lark)
74. Half a Loaf Is Better Than None (half a load if better than none*)
75. My Lord, Do Have a Change of Heart (change of heart)