The 28th Annual Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race
— this ultra (ultra!) marathon starts on Friday, 30 August 2024 and will continue until Sunday, 20 October 2024. During the event, individuals run an equivalent of 2-marathons each day for 52 consecutive days. Ultimately, they will run 3,100 miles — which amounts to 118-marathons — in under 2 months.

The Enthusiasm-Awakeners plan to sing each day at the 2024 edition of the 3100 Mile Race. We begin singing each and every morning (rain or shine!) at 6:40 a.m. and take Prasad at 7:10 a.m. We very much welcome the international Sri Chinmoy Centre members to join us. See more info here: 3100-songs

Our singing group —cheer the runners on. “Wherever you go, carry happiness with you.” — Sri Chinmoy
See more Race photos on

You can also view a few previous of the Enthusiasm-Awakeners’ Race experience with photos, etc

Links for the Race — official webpage: This site has official stats, videos, blogs, photos, history, etc, etc. It also has the runners info — short bios, stats and a photo ( of the runners scheduled for the starting line.

[ Return to home page with other song materials ]

[  3100-songs— more info about the songs we sing at the Race  ]

[our story: 3100 Mile Race]     [link to our 2022 page with photos, etc]      [official Race webpage]